
Praktica LTL3

This is the most successful German post-war SLR, at least according to its production numbers. However, one need to take liberties with the model's type indentifier: The camera has been built from 1969 to 1989 under at least 15 names, with steady minimal technical changes (improvements and deteriorations later), and more than 3.6 million times. I'm only talking about the LTL / DTL / MTL types, for technical specifications see table below. Taking the other similar looking, better or worse equipped sister models of the L-series into account, there were together even more than 4.8 million bodies. No other German SLR has ever achieved such numbers. But more about that in a future post.

Type identifiers and production numbers of Praktica's L series. The generations sometimes only differ in
external features like leatherette, shutter release button or rewind crank. Details see here.
When the camera (as the LTL) was launched in 1969 it was technically on par with its competition. Building on the Praktica cameras of the 50s and 60s, which made ​​the M42 screw mount popular even in Japan, Pentacon geared the camera to the most successful SLR design of the 60s: Pentax Spotmatic whose feature set is almost identical. At the same time they launched their top-model LLC being the very first camera with electric aperture value transmission between lens and body, thus even allowing full aperture TTL metering. 

Until the mid-70s Pentacon technically kept up reasonably well with the Japanese competition, the aperture priority models EE2 / EE3 prove this. The West German camera industry was already in a sorry state at this time. But even with the VEB Pentacon it started to crumble. From 1978 on and throughout the 1980s, technically the L-series did not improve at all. Technical changes focused on simplification and they actually built only this one model and it even got worse over time. In the beginning of the 90ies they at least tried to keep up on the market with the more modern B-series.

In East Germany (GDR) the camera cost 780 Mark, about a monthly wage of a skilled worker, the later B-series even 2300 M. Pentacon also exported quite a bit to western capitalistic countries, mostly using different trade names such Revueflex (Photo Quelle) or Hanimex (USA), more details here. In former West Germany, Beroflex was Pentacon's exclusive distributor. The cameras can be identified by a sticker in the cartridge space. Beside the respective Beroflex office (20 = Hamburg) it tells the year of production (670 = 1976, see link).
My model here I got from a friend. She received it as a Christmas gift from her grandparents in 1976, used it until the mid-80s and liked it a lot. I must admit that I had never taken Praktica seriously. Their image in West Germany was never particularly well, the West Germans mainly bought Japanese cameras and so did I. Praktica held a SLR market share of approximately 5%. I was surprised to read during my research that Pentacon was quite successful in other western markets, especially in England and The Netherlands. Praktica's market share reached 30% there temporarily. My collection certainly got a major addition, it sits in the shelf beside her "grandmother" Kine Exakta.

Datenblatt Mechanische KB-Spiegelreflexkamera mit Nachführbelichtungsmessung
Objektiv M42x1 Gewinde für Wechselobjektive. Standardobjektiv: Pentacon auto 1.8/50
Verschluss Vertikaler Metall-Lamellenverschluss, 1s - 1/1000 s und B. Blitzsynchronisation 1/125s.
Belichtungsmessung CdS-Zelle, TTL-Messung (nur) bei Arbeitsblende nach Aktivierung durch Abblendhebel. Nachführmessung mit Nadelanzeige im Sucher. Empfindlichkeitseinstellung 12-1600 ASA.
Fokussierung SLR, Fresnellinse und Mikroprismenraster, nicht auswechelbar.
Sucher Spiegelreflex, s.o.
Blitz Mittenkontakt im Zubehörschuh (X), keine Synchronbuchse. 1/125s Synchronzeit.
Filmtransport Schnellspannhebel, Bildzählwerk, Rückspulkurbel, automatisches (Pentacon SL) Filmladesystem.
sonst. Ausstattung ISO-Gewinde für Drahtauslöser, Selbstauslöser, Abblendtaste (aktiviert Belichtungsmessung), Stativgewinde.
Maße, Gewicht ca. 147/97/53 mm, 590 g
Batterie 1.35V PX-625 (nur Belichtungsmesser).
Baujahr(e) 1975-1978 als LTL3
1969-1989 in mind. 15 technisch sehr ähnlichen Varianten, manche ohne Selbstauslöser, am Ende z.T. nur 1/500 s. Zusammen 3.6 Mio Exemplare
Kaufpreis, Wert heute £120.64(UK), $189(US), ca. 750 DDR-Mark, ca. 350 DM (1976 mit 50mm f/1.8), heutiger Wert ca. 15 €
Links Reparaturanleitung, Mike's Praktica Collection, Bedienungsanleitung, Wikipedia, Dresdner Kameras, Praktica Museum