
Agfamatic Pocket 4000

A "Ritsch Ratsch-click" was on my must-have list for a long time already. Last month, I found one for only 3.50 € at a flea market, a bargain. Although, nobody in my closer family even had one, I still remeber it to be THE pocket camera of the 70s and early 80s. Agfa had its own easy-load format "Rapid" which was relatively unsuccessful. Eventually, they jumped on Kodak's success film catridges Instamatic (type 126) and Instamatic Pocket (type 110). With these they were very successful even as a camera producer. I believe, that the Agfamatic Pocket series is the most beautiful and also from a technical design perspective most successful pocket camera. However, Agfa introduced nothing essentially new, the basic design of the so-called telescope rapid winder was copied from the famous Minox (Walter Zapp, since 1936!). In addition, the camera looks like a Minolta 16 (1955-1974). Both, Minox and Minolta due to their higher prices addressed a different target group. Agfa made the concept available to a broader public.

Agfamatic already was teh name for Agfa's simpler cameras for the Instamatic (126er) cartridge, as was my very first camera. But only the Agfamatic Pocket Series from 1974 actually offered an AutoMATIC, at least starting with this model 4000 and higher. Fed by two V625 / LR9 battery cells there is a CdS exposure meter, which controls shutter (and aperture?) between 1/30 and 1/500 sec (using the orange sensor-release button). When using a wire relases (and a tripod, of course. Remove the wrist strap from the tripod thread for this purpose) the shutter even works down to 15 sec and enables night shooting. The focus needs to be manually adjusted, using three different symbols for the distance: portrait, group, distance. X-flashcubes can be plugged on, later Agfamatic Pocket models (X008) had a connection for the Topflash system. Consisting of three elements and particularly noteworthy is the very good lens Color Apotar (27 mm f/6.5), especially when compared to the 126 Agfamatics which had simpler lenses. This was necessary to achieve sufficient image performance despite the small film format. Agfa continued to built this camera series until about 1982 when they eventually exited their own camera production. In the early 80s the first autofocus cameras appeared in the market and as always, the better is the enemy of the good. Therefore, from the mid-80s taking pictures sounded different from Ritsch Ratsch-click.